We launched Blue Lake China Enterprise Software Index (BLES Index) in 2021, which is based on the market cap of ~40 top listed enterprises software companies from China, to track the long term growth trend of the industry.

Data are as of Jul. 26, 2024


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Blue Lake’s SaaS Portfolio

Horizontal SaaS

Digital Procurement Management Platform

Business Travel and Expense Management Software

Smart Recruitment Management System

Intelligent After-sales Service Management Platform

Full-Process Private Domain Traffic Operation Platform

Digital & Smart Contract Management System

SaaS Service for Supply Chain Collaboration

One-stop Enterprise R&D Collaboration Performance Platform

Vertical SaaS

E-commerce SaaS ERP Provider

E-commerce AI SaaS Provider

Cross-border E-commerce ERP Platform

Gaming Analytics

Digital Catering Solution Provider

Smart Scheduling System

AI & Big Data Analytics Platform for Retailers

Low-code Development Platform

Cloud-based Sales Force Automation Solution Provider for Life Sciences

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